by - Thursday, April 18, 2013

inspiration is inspiration

Every single day starts the day before. In mind, through emotions if awaiting something special

'Sometimes life is about getting things done. At the moment however, the focus is on broadening your horizons in general, and on exciting encounters and worthwhile ideas in particular.' I am always in awe of how true and surprisingly accurate monthly horoscopes are sometimes. I don't usually believe in what they say, however when they say how it is, I truly get the feeling somewhere in the stars there is the energy, a helping hand creating my life, a sensitive eye watching my every step. I have always been fascinated by human thought and the power of one's mind - any way of thinking, an attitude attracts the same occurrence, thoughts carve our reality, by using positivity we can influence good affairs to come. Probably you've already sensed the book resting its back next to my bed being a great source of energy/mood booster among these walls - 'Secret' by Rhonda Byrnes.

Life goes on outside the web if I like it or not where negativity and bad attitude is rarely allowed but happening with the same consistency as in other households and no matter how creatively I pull myself out, there is always a snippet of life getting it its way. No big deal, I have two sets of arms to hold me in and kissable lips I'm never short of to ease the burden, help me take one step at a time, sometimes two, always in the right direction. Occasionally I risk it and let my mind wander in dangerous areas of doubting good things to come. And then comes my motivator, a 'big strong hand to lift me to my higher ground' - I turn its pages drawing every word, saving notes, visualizing things. Because it's not easy to see one thing and believe in other but what's the choice? If you believe in Secret or not, it's always better to aim for optimistic positive approach, right? Wake up and feel reasonably good about things ahead and around, right? Outer circumstances shouldn't dictate the mood I'm in, the choices I make.  

Can anyone stop you from doing what you want? Poor will be the man wanting to achieve this once you've decided on your happiness.        

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  1. Hi Eli,

    Great post and I agree each day is special and we need to enjoy every single moment.
    Happy Thursday

    1. Thank you Carolyn! Especially in the spring when everything looks better!

  2. Hey, I'm glad you found me because I LOVE your blog! Nice to find someone from my side of the world :)


    1. Thank you Chloe. It feels nice to find someone little bit closer on the world map. x

  3. I'll lend my strong hand anytime you ask for it. And anytime somehow you won't. Love you loads.

    1. I will definitely accept it. Love you more x
