by - Monday, November 05, 2012

And here we stomp on a cold wintery seaside where everything that's colourful and head-turning happens in curiosity shops (pictured above together with ever curious doll of mine) or town center windows in preparation for this season's biggest event. In addition to working mama's activities I have added a new exciting time consumer which takes me from one blogging platform to another. Yes, I have posted last spurt of thoughts early in October but was tempted by a new challenge which consists of features that are meant to be my new world of words, pictures and emotions - this blog. I write every day, so why not reach those who read every day (or on occasions or just browsing). I hope this nook of things that inspire me will change the way your day progresses, sun shines and exclamation marks are used. Let the affair commence and happy browsing!

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  1. I browse on occasions and read a lot so it's the best place for me to stop :)

  2. Ha ha, I had fun reading your comment. Happy :)
