by - Thursday, July 09, 2015

summer-fair-bunting-todaymyway.comThere's nothing like a summer fair and the amount of sugar consumed per square meter is astonishing. It does get better than this with the only instruction being to have fun, don't litter too excessively and take turns in tireless slides down the inflatable creation. Head teacher announcing the summer has aligned with our sugar deficiency so the school fair was not only a vibrant in motions and colours great affair but became our therapeutic source of glucose and just right amount of artificial. We thought we'd skip right to summer with those bare legs and open toes but still there was this strong wind destroying our positive attitude and productivity. But we're patient community although we've started counting the days. Kids had fun and parents chatted away figuring ways to stay in touch during summer. It was a loud and wrapped up in sticky leftovers event literally hauling us into the experiences of Year One and beyond. People were always telling me when I was a kid how precious are those days shut behind the school gate - yes, there are hefty amounts of dramas and doubt, it makes you uncomfortable or strange and takes you out of your comfort zone at least every half an hour but it is time most cherished because of people we meet, fun we have and lessons we learn -- full of life and activities entering the world of firsts for all levels of know-how. Watching this colourful buzz going on reminded me of when I was immersed in barely a thing other than play and I'm truly excited for Nadia's personal adventures.

And here she is, adaptable like a chameleon, fun and playful as always knew her way around the field teeming with stalls, ponies and floating beautiful bunting to remind us of time going by, a little quicker each year as of late. Then the evening rolled around, all wiped out but still full of excitement we headed home. Crashed hard not knowing when. xx

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