by - Tuesday, April 05, 2016

Spring breaks or any short breaks we can totally enjoy as a family during school holidays is a time we crave like a well planned and executed meal cheered with loud squeals and anticipation of sorts. We don't usually get enough of quality time as three with my weekend working schedule so trying our absolute best while the opportunity comes our way is the answer. And if weather cooperates the yummier. I tend to shed the outer layers far too quickly once the chirping of birds gets noticeable, I may still experience a bit of a goosebumps situation but will highly refuse the coat or the scarf once it's been left on hook. There's no compromise.

 This day was great. I am constantly reminded that less planned and more laid-back outing, the whole experience is worth the waiting. We went to the nearby playground and in between swings and rounds around the area, Nadia sat to rest and draw enthusiastically on the bench next to me trying to find the best position on the hard surface. There was lots of laughter, silly jokes, maybe a meltdown too but I don't really remember that. What I do remember is having all my favourite people in one place to have fun with and more. And a bag of salty chips for the afternoon of salty kisses.

 This hat was bought on sale, first that I found made in my size! I may be loving slouchy, one-size-fits-all blouses and sweaters but hats must be dedicated to the circumference of one's head, don't you agree? How hard is it to understand and force in the production line, retailers? Anyway, I'm happy to announce the miracle of being paired with one even if for another decade (I hope not). The seaside we finished our escapade at was windy but beautifully sunny and everybody and their dog was surely there. I can't wait to stroll down the beach more often this year, this time with a little hand in mine and a sweet milky lips brushing over the top of my shirt. I literally can't wait. x

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