by - Thursday, June 09, 2016

Time for the favourite this season - lots of juicy, colourful appearance on our plate. I guess this rainbow of vitamins could easily be scattered into pretty porcelain bowls separately so that everyone would head for their own preferred snack but would that be fun? Not so much. So one Saturday when time slowed down for a bit I decided to surprise the bunch I call my family by attempting to create something different from simple ingredients eaten in abundance in a week. Everyone loves pizza, this time the beautiful weather called for lighter version of this delicious dish so I gathered familiar fruit varying in taste, hue and shape and after cutting it neatly all was placed on the round face of a slice of a watermelon. Every inch of pizza without heating up the oven!

Kids were in heaven waiting for something magical to appear on their plates and then eating it whole or piece by piece savouring each bit. It made my whole weekend. Hands were sticky and sweet, busy from piling handfuls of blueberries into their mouths. No slice or juicy chunk was ignored. And I guess, as much fun as I attempted to spread around I felt I had the most wonderful time myself. Seeing everybody excited and jumping at a chance to share my idea was something I'm itching to try more often this summer (with a squishy baby attached to my hip!). It's so easy to create an extraordinary thing out of plain and barely exciting. I'm pretty sure this pizza rocked without shame. x

►► See what I mean? Now most of their time spent in the backyard is made of snacking. Will I be thanked for that? ;)

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  1. Such a fun idea! I didn't know what to expect when I saw the title "watermelon pizza" but this looks great!

    Nellwyn | www.thecardinalpress.com

  2. Such a great idea! It's so fun and a great way to get the kids to eat their fruit. I love it!

  3. Such a cute and fun activity for a summer snack!

    1. Thanks! And everyone gets involved in preparation and... eating ;) x

  4. This looks so delicious and such a fun summer activity with the kids!

  5. We were just talking about creating a version of this at work today!

    1. Yes, why not? Let me know how it turned out xx

  6. Mmh, this Looks so good love all the fruit you chose! And you look absolutely gorgeous!!

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